  • Promotes vegetative development and helps to increase plant biomass
  • Fosters photosynthetic activity and transpiration in   stress conditions
  • Promotes the elongation of sprouts and flower   clusters


Plant tissues develop due to the activity of meristems, which, in ideal conditions, give rise to intense cell multiplicationand division. 

In the absence of stress, the formation of plant biomass is optimal, both in leaf development andin the elongation of the sprouts and flower organs responsible for production. That also depends, in addition toclimate and the genetic heritage of plants, on the availability of water and nutrients, especially nitrogen, whichsupports meristems throughout their activity.

ILSAVIVIDA promotes vegetative development by stimulating meristematic activity, which results in sproutelongation and the formation of greater and greener leaf biomass.
ILSAVIVIDA stimulates photosynthetic activityand regulates plant transpiration, limiting stunted growths due to environmental stresses.


ILSAVIVIDA is a formulation based on protein nitrogen, phosphorus, betaines and glycosides, which are fundamentalingredients to foster the overcoming of climate stresses and the development of plant biomass.
It is designed forthe early development stages of fruit crops and the vine, since it stimulates the intensity of metabolic processes andthe transport cycles of plant energy in critical post-growth resumption. It also promotes the optimal developmentof sprouts and flower clusters, which will host the current year’s fruits

Chemical and physical features
  • pH 2,5 ± 0,5
  • DENSITY 1,21 ± 0,02 kg/dm3
  • CONDUCTIVITY 2,10 ± 0,20 dS/m
  • Total Nitrogen (N) 4 %
    • Of which: Organic Nitrogen (N) 1 %
    • Ureic Nitrogen (N) 3 %
  • Total Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) 8 %
  • Organic Carbon (C) 10 %
Contains in particular
Characterising substances


Doses and methods of use of the fertilizer
    • All
      1,5-2 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from early vegetative development
    • Kiwi
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Strawberry in greenhouse
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • All
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Ornamental and Floral Crops
      100g-100lt water
      Every 10 to 20 days as needed
    • Cotton
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Flax
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Hemp
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Hop
      2-3 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Oil seed rape
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Peanut
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Rape
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Sesame
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Soy bean
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Sugar beet
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Sunflower
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Tobacco
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Artichoke
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from early vegetative development
    • Lettuce
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 4-7 days, in the early stages
    • Lettuce in greenhouse
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 4-7 days, in the early stages
    • Sweet Potato
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • All
      1,5-2 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from early vegetative development
    • Apple
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Pear
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Apricot
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Cherry
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Nectarine
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Peach
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Plum
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      2-4 applications every 10-15 days from 10-15 cm sprouts
    • Asparagus
      2-3 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 4-7 days, from early shoot emergence
    • Brussels sprouts
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Cauliflower
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Courgette
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Courgette in greenhouse
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Cucumber / Gherkin
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Eggplant
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Eggplant in greenhouse
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Fennel
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Melon
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Melon in greenhouse
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Pepper
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Pepper in greenhouse
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Processing Tomato
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Savoy Cabbage
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Spring Cabbage
      2-2,5 kg/ha
      3-4 applications, every 8-10 days, from post-transplanting
    • Strawberry
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages
    • Tomato
      2,5-4 kg/ha
      2-3 applications, every 8-10 days, during the early stages

The dose indicated in the table has been calculated by taking into account an irrigation volume of about 500-600 litres of water per application. The doses shown should be considered as merely indicative and may vary according to pedoclimatic conditions and average yields expected.

The Foliar Fertilizer mark highlights the products to be applied on the leaves which are characterized by the safety of use, the low molecular weight and the presence of amino acids mainly in the levorotatory form.
Products made with a vegetal matrix obtained from hydrolysis and/or extraction originating from yeasts, sugars, algae, fabaceae, etc.